Featuring Interactive Dashboards & Use of Force Summary Report

The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is pleased to announce that we have posted interactive use of force analysis dashboards on our website. Produced by Police Strategies, LLC , the current dashboards provide comprehensive and detailed use of force data for our department from 2017 – 2021 using the Police Force Analysis System. VPD will seek to publish updated dashboards, along with a written analysis and report from Police Strategies, LLC on an annual basis. To utilize the dashboard, simply follow the dashboard instructions below and click through the sequence of tabs to filter through single or multiple data fields.

Click the following link to read the Departments first written report by Police Strategies, LLC: 

Featuring Interactive Dashboards & Use of Force Summary Report

The Vallejo Police Department (VPD) is pleased to announce that we have posted interactive use of force analysis dashboards on our website. Produced by Police Strategies, LLC , the current dashboards provide comprehensive and detailed use of force data for our department from 2017 – 2019 using the Police Force Analysis System. VPD will seek to publish updated dashboards, along with a written analysis and report from Police Strategies, LLC on an annual basis. To utilize the dashboard, simply follow the dashboard instructions below and click through the sequence of tabs to filter through single or multiple data fields.

Click the following link to read the Departments first written report by Police Strategies, LLC: