
Critical Incident Review Board (CIRB)

Policy 301 establishes the Vallejo Police Department’s Critical Incident Review Board and defines its roles and responsibilities regarding critical incidents. The Vallejo Police Department will objectively evaluate officer-involved critical incidents to ensure their authority is used lawfully, appropriately, and is consistent with training and policy. The CIRB will conduct a timely evaluation of officer-involved critical incidents and review them for recommendations and further refinements in policy and training efforts.


Purpose of the CIRB

The purpose of the Critical Incident Review Board (CIRB or Board) is to conduct a timely and holistic evaluation of all critical incidents and not just review of the individual’s compliance with Vallejo Police Department (VPD or Department) policies. The CIRB board’s review shall encompass the actions of all involved personnel (including supervisors and support personnel) with specific focus on organizational factors, including training, tactics, supervision, equipment, and pre/post-incident response and aftermath. It will be conducted independent of the VPD’s internal administrative investigation into the actions of Police department members. The review process shall be in addition to any

other review or investigation that may be conducted by any outside or multi-agency entity having criminal jurisdiction over the investigation or evaluation of the use of deadly force.