Vallejo, CA - On May 29, 2024, the Vallejo Police Department conducted an abandoned vehicle abatement operation to address the current complaints about abandoned vehicles on public streets throughout the city.
The operation involved both sworn and civilian personnel and covered central Vallejo. During the operation, 153 complaints were checked: 103 vehicles were gone on arrival, 58 vehicles were towed, 8 vehicles were tagged to be towed, 6 complaints were unfounded, and 1 stolen vehicle was recovered. Additionally, the two suspects inside the stolen vehicle were arrested.
Abandoned vehicles contribute to blight and are a concern for many of our community members. The Vallejo Police Department conducts daily checks for abandoned vehicles throughout the city and there will be large-scale abatement operations conducted at least once a month.
Community members are encouraged to report abandoned vehicles in Vallejo by calling the Abandoned Vehicle Hotline at 707-648-4682 or visiting our website to file an abandoned vehicle report online.
For all media inquiries, please contact Public Information Officer, Sgt. Rashad Hollis by email at [email protected] or by phone at (707) 567-4233.
