
Ralph Mariscal

Ralph Mariscal


As a long time resident of Vallejo, 38 years, I was never involved much. 


As I saw things begin to change I knew I had to do something. I first got involved with the Glen Cove Community Association as a neighborhood representative. We had a fire station but it had been closed for 12 years due to budgeting. 


I mobilized the residents, worked with the Fire Chief and lobbied the City Council. We flooded City Hall with emails, we got our station reopened. 


The Association named me as Director of Safety, I’ve worked the past 5 years building relationships within VFD and VPD. 


I worked 36 1/2 years for Chevron in so many different departments, finally retiring as a Global Process Advisor. 


We have 4 children, two of which live in Glen Cove. We have 7 granddaughters ages 4-17. The love of my life. 


I will continue to work to change the perception people have of VPD and Vallejo.